help me!

tbaoYes, oh my lord that picture is creepy!

It’s decision time.  I’m about to leave (in ten days) my home for seven months.  That means no access to my impressive bookcases for seven months.  Also, due to airport luggage weight allowances, I can’t take a significant portion of my book collection with me.

We’re talking perhaps three books.  That’s right, three books for seven months.

What, oh readership, should I bring?

I have narrowed it down to two choices

1. Don Delillo’s Underworld

This is probably the most amazing book I have read.  I could read it again and again and not get bored.  I love Delillo so much, I want to marry him and have his literary babies.

2. Dostoyevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov

I figured I would need something meaty to keep me going for a while, and keep my mind churning during those holiday months.  Also, this book comes with a story.  My mother was once on a plane in China, back in the days when it wasn’t at all safe to fly in China, and – to cut a long story short – she thought she was going to die.  She actually wrote her will in the front cover of this book.  It doesn’t mention half the people who are important in her life right now (namely me), but serves as a bit of a good luck charm.  She even wrote ‘I’ve had a top life’.  She survived that flight, and I (who am a little nervous about air travel) hope that I will survive mine.  (I still can’t work out why she thought The Brothers Karamazov would survive an air crash if she didn’t…)

And now here’s the tricky part.

I must bring a third book.  It must be something of significant volume (though I’m not too picky).  It must be something written nicely, preferably with nice descriptions.  It must be something set in Japan, where I will be spending my seven months.  What should it be?

Oh, dear readership, please help me.  I have several candidates in mind, but I still can’t decide.  Oh the woe!  Oh the terror!  I humbly seek your help to rectify this situation.

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